Engine Repair
Nothing quite causes stress like a malfunctioning engine. Even just a small malfunction can trigger the check engine light to signal a glitch in the system. Diagnosing an engine problem requires the skill and experience of a qualified mechanic. The specialists at Caspian Mechanical Service will quickly identify the source of engine failure and provide cost effective solutions for our clients.
Signs of Engine Failure
A lot of factors determine just how long a lifespan your vehicles engine will have. Calculate in the year of manufactured, the amount of mileage or usage. Are you giving the car regular oil changes and keeping up with maintenance? What make or brand is it and are there any known engine difficulties? In order to prevent yourself from becoming that person on the side of the road, we’ve created a small index that will help you to identify signs that your engine is in need of a tune-up or replacement.
“Knocking” and other loud noises from your vehicle when you start the engine is often an indication of a problem with the internal combustion flow.
Several issues can cause an engine to stall including problems with the air/fuel mixture, or issues with the intake stroke.
An engine exhaust will emit strong smelling, toxic fumes just prior to failing and indicates the need for an engine diagnostic ASAP.
If you’re at the gas pump more often, but haven’t changed your driving habits, there could be an issue with the compression of your engine. Potential solutions include using a fuel cleaner or getting a tune up. An engine diagnostic from our repair specialist will clarify the issue and provide options.