Car mechanic installing a new tire onto a rim

Tire Rotation & Balancing

Tire Rotation

In order to ensure that your tires wear evenly, it’s important to rotate your tires on a regular basis. Rotating your tires every 10,000kms or atleast once every 6 months will greatly improve the lifetime of your tires as well as keep you safe on the road. Overlooking your tire service could cause your tires to not be road-worthy leading to tires having a chance to hydroplane on wet or ice roads more easily.

Tire Balancing

Once your tires are rotated they need to be properly balanced. Wheel balancing is an essential part of car maintenance and it guarantees that your vehicle will roll smoothly on the road and prevents premature wear. You can often quickly detect if your tires need to be balanced if they are vibrating on smooth pavement and even more so this vibration becomes more pronounced at higher speeds.

Let our technicians take the time to properly calculate your tire and wheel’s weight ratios and then to calibrate properly to one another. You can also check your owner’s manual to learn how often your tires should be rotated, or bring your vehicle to us for an inspection.

If you suspect you need a tire rotation and balancing, call us to schedule an appointment!

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